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Achieving Financial Peace of Mind Amid Economic Uncertainty

Achieving confidence and certainty in your financial planning can create well-deserved peace of mind. Getting your proverbial ducks in a row and preparing for both planned and surprise expenses can help you quiet your anxious thoughts. This will allow you to enjoy...

3 Retirement Risks a Reverse Mortgage Combats

Have you ever used or heard a word so often it briefly loses meaning? This phenomenon, known as semantic satiation, is more common than you might think. If you are a retiree or nearing retirement age, you likely hear a particular phrase repeated so often it is nearing...

The Top 3 Myths About Reverse Mortgages

In their retirement years, everyone deserves the assurance that they can live in continued comfort, afford necessities like food and clothing, and cover any medical expenses that may arise. What’s even better is the flexibility to pay off accumulated debt, complete...

Don’t Be Deterred from a Reverse Mortgage by this Misconception

If you are looking for a way to supplement your fixed income and retire in comfort, do not be deterred from a Reverse Mortgage by the misconception that they are illegitimate. Below are a few important facts to consider.

What is the Most Important First Step in Your Retirement Plan?

If you are feeling overwhelmed by planning your retirement, don’t worry! They say a thousand-mile journey begins with a single step, and that is just how you should view this process. By breaking the stages of planning down into separate parts, the process becomes much more manageable.

The Best Way to Preserve Your Nest Egg

A nest egg is a wonderful and important thing to build throughout your life. Increasing its size creates a sense of accomplishment and helps provide immense peace of mind. Nest eggs also go a long way in assisting people to retire in comfort and financial security....

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