3 Retirement Risks a Reverse Mortgage Combats

3 Retirement Risks a Reverse Mortgage Combats

Have you ever used or heard a word so often it briefly loses meaning? This phenomenon, known as semantic satiation, is more common than you might think. If you are a retiree or nearing retirement age, you likely hear a particular phrase repeated so often it is nearing...
Maintaining Your Home with a Reverse Mortgage

Maintaining Your Home with a Reverse Mortgage

It is important to take pride in your home, especially as a longtime homeowner. The place where you lay your head should reflect who you are and what you like. It should also be safe, structurally sound, and well maintained. However, as you likely know, the latter...
Preserving Equity with a Reverse Mortgage

Preserving Equity with a Reverse Mortgage

Have you amassed a significant amount of equity in your home? If so – well done! Building equity does not happen overnight; it is a lengthy process that can be affected by external factors like the housing market. However, building equity in your home is an extremely...
The Same Page: Discussing Retirement with Your Children

The Same Page: Discussing Retirement with Your Children

There is much to consider when you are planning your retirement. Calculating important numbers like how much you’ll need, working with a financial planner to select the best plan, researching health insurance options if you will no longer be covered by your employer,...
How to Pay for Healthcare During Retirement

How to Pay for Healthcare During Retirement

Everyone deserves a happy and healthy retirement. Unfortunately, health is tied directly to happiness and people more advanced in age become much more vulnerable to health complications. This often creates roadblocks to achieving a happy and healthy lifestyle. We are...